Monday, December 13, 2021

Bye Bye 2021

 It is coming to the end of the school year and everyone is leaving. 2021 has been a good year with camp,people,days out at the lake and even with lock down it was good. Now I think we are all ready for 2022 challenges and I hope it is as good as this year.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Fist Aid At The Lake!

Yesterday we did first aid at the lake. First we went on a quick walk around the Velenski track and Kaelyn got fake hypothermia. After we went on the lake loop track and Tara got a fake bruise it looked real. soon after Jimi broke his arm not for real. After we went to the lake and we built shelters and when we where getting the shelters built I cut my hand open. Mean while Nic was poring water on the shelters soon we gathered our wood for our fire and lit them and had like a billion marshmallows. tui burnt her had in the fires that was the last bit of our first aid test.